Member since 9-Jul-16
Visitors 28
461 photos, 6 videos

Thank you for taking the time to view my work.

My website is currently under construction and is always changing, so please forgive the mess.

Thank you. Jerry

Contact Info

AddressDurango, CO 81301
United States
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My brother gave me my first camera when I was 16. Sometime after receiving that camera I was walking in the solitude of a winter storm and I felt such a connection with the subjects I was taking photos of.

That awakened something inside of me and that has grown into a lifelong love affair with photography.

Being able to capture a moment and to share it, hoping someone will take the time during our busy lives and really look at that image and appreciate it and feel the emotion behind it. 

Please take a moment to look at a few of my photos that range from my 24 years of daily newspaper shooting and my love for nature.

My website is currently under construction and is always changing, so please forgive the mess.

Thank you. Jerry

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